There are an estimated 8.7 million deaf and hard of hearing people in the UK. Deafness is the third most common disability in the world and one of the most hidden. Many deaf and hard of hearing people feel isolated. East Anglia has a dispersed rural population making it increasingly difficult for deaf* people and their families to find support or gain knowledge/information related to their needs. Furthermore, once support is located, the limited transport networks can make it hard work to access regularly.
NDF was set up in 2017 with a view to working in partnership with deaf* services in the Eastern Region for example Norfolk Deaf Association, Deaf Connexions, Signing Café but also services nationally such as SignHealth (mental health awareness), Advanced Bionics (cochlear implant company) and Phonak (hearing aid company).
Our work is founded on the 4 ‘E’s:
Equality - of access to information, services and the arts for all deaf people. To promote deaf awareness and ensure information given is accessible for all through medium of sign language interpreters or technology for deaf people.
Empower - empowerment through positive deaf role models and opportunities to take part through volunteering or learning a new skill.
Educate – opportunities for professionals to upskill in order to best support deaf and hard of hearing people, signpost deaf and hard of hearing people and their families to local and national provisions available.
Everyone – bring deaf and hard of hearing and their families/friends together and help the hearing community to engage with and learn about deaf people. Support further events to be accessible in the region. Whatever your hearing loss, you are not alone.